As a treat to myself for actually starting my assignment (due next week; and when I say start I mean really...just start - i.e. name, title, student number, first heading) I thought I'd take the morning off (because my normal routine of sitting around and watching t.v. is very strenuous work). The plan was to head to DFO & Westfield Parramatta, for a spot of light shopping, mainly for birthday presents for a few close friends.
6 hours and $600 later, the total stands at 11 dresses, a top, 2 bags, 2 belts, 6 pairs of shoes, 4 necklaces, a ring, 2 cardis, a pair of shorts, 2 pairs of slippers, some unmentionables, a denim jacket, a wallet, a scarf (plus a birthday present that I'd rather not disclose) and my pick for bargain of the day, a beige genuine suede leather jacket from Just Jeans, which I picked up for only $29.95! The shopping was insane. Like, even more insane than the way that Sarrah Murdoch used the word. INSANNEE.
DFO was bargain-hunter's paridise with a further 50% all reduced items at Dotti, Oroton an Peter Alexander; a further 40% off at Country Road; a further 30% off atPortmans; and a further 25% off at Barkins. It got to a point where I put a pair of boots that were on sale for less than $20 at Barkins back on the shelf because it was too expensive in comparisson to the other stuff I'd bought that day. I'll probably regret that one tomorrow. Mossman also had some great sales on, but again, having paid $5 for a dress at Dotti, I wasn't even prepared to spend a mere $40 on a gorgeous floral smock (something that I'm already regretting now).
At Parramatta I snapped up some gorgeous necklaces from my favourite accesories store, Lovisa: they had 3 for $10 on sale items & I just couldn't help myself! Also picked up an amazing black & gold ring for only $10, full price! The love affair is only getting stronger.
All in all, a good day. But I'm on too much of a high to concentrate. I'm sorry Uni, you lose again.
Ps, here are some snaps from Saturday night. Final outfit cost was only $86 (not including the blazer I chucked over the top at the end of the night - the one from the ACA challenge). Silk maxi dress (Portmans, $10); gold leather belt (Just Jeans, $1); earings ($15, Alex Perry for Diva); necklace ($25, Lovisa); cuff ($10, Lovisa); ovesized flower ring ($5, Forever 21); heels ($20, Sachi from Zu Clearance in Melbourne).
It's 21st season - I've had at least two every weekend of the month. This weekend was particularly intense, starting off with work all day Friday, then straight off to the city for dinner & karaoke for a uni mate's birthday.
Going straight from work meant that I had to pack my outfit for the night & bring it to work with me, which always stresses me out because I have a tendency to forget things like the accessories or shoes or the right underwear. And not having time to do a quick outfit check in the morning resulted in having to bring a bag more suited to a weekend away ( containing two pairs of shoes, several rings & bangles, and two jacket options).
I didn't end up going with either of the two shoe options I'd packed, instead opting for a pair that I had been eying at work but had been hesitating about. The only size left was a full size too big for me, but I didn't care, I loved them. Loved them in a way that no man could understand; loved them like I could love no man. They made my legs go on for days... And they were on SALE, for a ridiculously small amount. What did it matter that I couldn't take two steps in them without having a near death experience?? One pair of partyfeet & one pair of heel grips later, I thought I'd be okay...and I was...for the first 20 minutes. Halfway through the night, however, I was ready to make base camp in the middle of the street, with plans to head for the summit in the morning. Painnnnn.
This was the final outfit ($61): black/gold speck dress with cutout back ($7, Mink), bangles ($3, Gloss), gold plaited leather belt ($1, Just Jeans), 'love' double finger ring ($13, Lovisa), diamante ring ($17, Alex Perry for Diva), studded suedette platform heels ($20, Betts) I don't care how much they hurt, I WILL wear them again. No pain no gain, baby.
Okay so I've just realised how flat this entry's sounding, so I might just save the rest of my weekend adventures for tomorrow, when I'm hopefully more rested and entertaining...but just one more thing before I go: I'm OBSESSED with my new double finger 'Love' ring from Lovisa. I must admit that I laughed at knuckle dusters when they first came out, but like high waist jeans, harem pants, and shoulder pads, they've totally grown on me, and I now will not leave the house without one. Until tomorrow, my lovelies!
I've got an itch that needs scratching, and it's one of those ones that never really go away. You know, like when you have a mozzie bite on the sole of your foot, and no matter how much or how hard you scratch, you can never be relieved of? Imagine there's a pesky mosquito following you around your whole life, and somehow biting that spot on the sole of your foot every day. Now replace 'sole' with 'soul', and replace 'a pesky mosquito' with 'the need to go shopping'. (Okay so it doesn't flow directly from that previous sentence because you end up with 'Imagine there's the need to go shopping following you around your whole life, and somehow biting that spot on the soul of your foot every day,' but you get where I was going with that one!)
19 hours since my last purchase (a gorgeous vintage-style oversized clutch from Forever New, half price at $25) and I've got the shopping-addict's equivalent to smoker's twitch.
Temporary relief is found while poking around on fb: the Valleygirl fan page has lead me to their website, where a cute little romper catches my eye. And its on SALE for only $19.95. I could order it online...but I want it today. Not because I have any fancy occasions on or anything (not that jumpsuits would be very suitable atire for such fancy occasions), but because most of the time I like my purchases to be tangible. That's not to say I don't get that thrill when I arrive home to a package with my name on it, believe me, I do, but things feel so much better when they're in hand. Or on body. Or on foot. Plus, postage fees? Pssht. There's an extra 8 bucks I could've used on clothes/shoes/accessories!
I've been DYING to wear my new Lovisa necklace out, and Saturday night is looking like the night! I'm thinking strapless Portmans printed maxi (which I picked up at their clearance store for only $10 from $200), gold plaited belt ($1 at Just Jeans), chunky heels (the $60 Rubi ones from the ACA challenge), shiny locks (I grew them myself!), and this baby:
Love, love, loooooveeeeee! With that amazing amount of detail, it's sure to become one of my staple show-pieces this upcoming party season. You'd expect similar pieces from no-name designers to start at $50 (if you're lucky), but I picked this beauty up for only $25!
Diva, watch out, there's a shiny (fairly) new kid on the block, and I'm a sucker for sparkles...
Monday: So there I was in my bathroom, getting myself ready for - but dreading- the day ahead. Black harems, military boots and a khaki top would have to do it for today - a long night of cramming for a mid semester exam had left me tired and lazy. Quick mirror check: I think better of it and throw on some chunky accessories - tired and lazy are no match for stylish and, for lack of a better word, vain.
And then from the background noise (Kyle & Jackie O) I hear it...did that lady just say something! I'm suddenly alert my eyes widen as if for some reason that would help me to hear the lady on the radio better - damn my slow/inappropriate reactions. Apparently Westfield is looking for an Insider: a savvy shopper who knows how to get on trend looks, on a budget. Apparently the good people at Westfield are looking for me.
Never have I believed that a role was more perfect for me - I mean, paidto go shopping?
Anyone who knows me knows that if shopping were a sport, I'd be a world class athlete - and the thrill of finding a bargain would be my performance enhancing drug of choice.
Applications don't close until the October 1st, but of course I can't get it off my mind. Sorry medical & applied physiology, several hours of cramming for you just got wiped out by the prospect of actually earning money while buying that pair of Tony Bianco's I fell in love with the other day.
I spend the next two days getting a CV, 300-word response, photo & video together. Not my best work, but pretty decent, and the best I can do considering my increasing anxiety about applying in time to get an interview slot in Sydney. My heart sinks: I'm rostered on to work all day Tuesday, the day of the interviews. Poos. But wait - I read on & discover that all's not lost! They're being held at Livepool Westfields (where I work!) & it'd be a piece of cake getting the morning off. Seriously, did I NEED any more proof that the job was made for me? I submit my application and eagerly keep checking the website for updates.
Thursday: Lace dress ($20, Dotti), black cut-out high waist belt ($10, Glassons), black tights ($15, Forcast), silver flats ($4, from NZ), red leather jacket ($150, Wrangler).
Checking out the competition, and its fierce! The guys and girls that are feaured on the Westfield website so far are intimidatingly cool, & genetically blessed. My application's still not up. Sad face.
Friday: Grey romper ($20, ValleyGirl), tan belt ($6, Dotti), black singlet ($10, ValleyGirl), taupe sandals ($55, Betts), black quilted bag ($30, SES).
I'm finally dressed after two hours of trying outfits on, checking them out in the mirror, disapproving, and flinging them off (my bedroom & bathroom are messes yet again). I check my phone & I've received a missed call from an unknown number. I check my voicemail and almost die in excitement: Corrine from Westfields wants to know if I'd be interested in participating in an A Current Affair's piece that they'd be filming before the interviews on Tuesday. It takes me two hours to get back through to her, but I finally get a hold of her & tell her I'd be absolutely thrilled to be a part of it! I'm beaming for the rest of the day.
Rose from PR emails be the brief for the Westfield Fashion Insider Challenge that arvo - me & two other girls are to be given $200 to create an outfit (including shoes & accessories) that covers one of this season's trends: the maxi dress (or skirt), nautical, military, nudes & pastels, the blazer, the romper, coloured denim, or the techno (digital print) dress. Sounds like my sort of thing!
Saturday: Blue paisely print maxi dress ($18, some random shop in Liverpool), tan high waist belt ($7.50, Supre), flat sandals ($44, Betts), oversized flower ring ($20, Forever New), lightwash denim jacket ($20, Supre).
My boss approves my request for the morning off on Tuesday. I spend that night at a friends 21st, telling anyone & everyone about the Westfield Insider gig & that I'm gonna be on tv. Hells to the yayyer.
Monday: Black romper ($10, Forever New), oversized flower ring ($7, Forever 21), flat sandals ($44, Betts), vintage bag ($2, Vinnies), Sunnies ($10, markets)
I become increasingly nervous about interviews & the Fashion Challenge - especially because I find out that we're only getting 20 minutes to complete the challenge. I reaaaalllyyy don't want to choke or look stupid on camera/in front of all those important people. Knowing me I'll come off as the biggest bimbo. It takes me ages to fall asleep that night, I toss and turn for hours - the damn butterflies won't let me sleep.
Tuesday: Floral maxi ($45, Forever New), gold belt ($1, Just Jeans), denim vest ($40, Forever New), oversized floral ring ($20, Forever New), flat sandals ($44, Betts), vintage bag ($2, Vinnies)... no photos, but check out the aca video :)
The. Big. Day. We spend the morning filming for the ACA story - it's so much fun & everyone's incredibly nice & friendly! The other two girls are gorgeous & really know their stuff (one works for Women's Day, and the other's been blogging for over a year - and her blog is just a-mazing). I make a mental note to catch up to them - perhaps I should start blogging again...
The Challenge is over before I've had a chance to even take a breath (and by the end I'm dripping sweat - very attractive), and we model our new outfits in front of fashion royalty, STYD editor Justine Cullen, and social commentator Melissa Hoyer. We all have very different takes on the maxi dress - I love them all! No winner is announced but come on - $200 worth of free clothes/shoes/accessories?? It sounds to me like we ALL won!
Black embellished maxi ($45, Candy & lace), strappy clog-style heels ($60, Rubi), Ring, bangles & bag ($7 all together, Gloss Clearance Store), nude blazer with lace detail ($40, Sweet Acacia from MA Runway), sunnies ($13, Cotton On).
I rush back to work/reality after interviews, and the thought of being able to see myself on telly that night gives me the energy to push through the day.
I'm ecstatic with the end product, and I appreciate what a clown I looked like on the show, tripping over shoes that were still tied together. Sigh, it wouldn't be me without at least some sort of clutzy mishap. Oooh- here come the text messages & fb posts; I'm gonna enjoy it while I can & stretch these 15 minutes as far as I can!
Thanks to Westfields, their PR team, the ACA team, the judges, & those awesome girls and guys who inspired me to get back on the blogosphere today :)