A few weeks ago I dragged my uni mate (a 21 year old male, with no appreciation for clothes or shoes or artsy stuff or you know, culture) to Glebe markets, after my last exam for the semester. It was only a short visit, but as usual, it didn't disappoint, with a haul of two vintage tops (one of which was a double french cuffed mens dress shirt that I picked up for a bargain $5), two vintage leather jackets (for an unbelievable $10 each! - though I did give one of these away to a friend), and last, but not least, an amazing batwing floral print maxi dress, again for only $10.
Now I loved this dress as soon as I saw it. But there was that little nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that not everyone would see it in the same light. I held it up against myself and turned to my friend, asking if it looked too 'nanna'. He pulled a face, and nodded, adding 'and kind of weird...' I just shrugged it off and put it down to him having no sense of style.
Later that afternoon, I met up with some girlfriends, and showed off my new purchases. While they were fairly impressed by the tops, and
very impressed by the leather jackets, the dress didn't quite get the same reaction (think initial silence, followed by roaring laughter). It went a little like this:
'Do you remember that episode of The Simpsons when Homer gets really fat?' my best friend said to me, '...yeah, well it looks like that dress thing he wears!'
'You mean his muumuu?'
'YEAH! IT LOOKS LIKE HOMER SIMPSON'S MUUMUU!! aaaaaaaahhahhaAHahhahahahHAhaHAHAHahahAHAhAHahahhaa'
I told her I didn't care what she said- I'd make it work. All it needed was a thick, tan, high waisted belt and loose curls. And today, I'm just gonna go right out there and say I rocked it. Lookout kids, the muumuu look is back...

Homer Simpson's muumuu

Vintage dress, $10 from Glebe markets; Shoes, $60 (down from $200) from Wanted Shoes, Belt, $7.50 (down from $15) from Supre; Bag, $30 (down from $90), Urban Originals from Trade Secret; Sunglasses, $2 (down from $20) Ring, $5 (down from $13), Bangle, $2 (down from $10), and Charity Bracelet, $1, from Rubi Shoes.

Bargain accessory buys: vintage look sunnies ($2), Bangle (reads: 'There is no way to peace. Peace is the way'; $2), and peace sign charity bracelet ($1), all from Rubi Shoes.