Today I was meant to get back into study after a study-free weekend...I did squeeze in a little study, but got side tracked heading to the post office to send off some stuff & get passport photos done so my sister could send the visa stuff off. Yep, heaps glamorous stuff really. I wasn't feeling particularly dressy or girly. I wore my hair out and natural (besides the stupid little baby hairs which I flattened, of course), and did a laid back print tee, jeans and a few chunky rings to break it up. Effortless & comfy, albeit a little out of character.
Monday, November 21, 2011
feeling cazh.
I actually just googled how to spell the abbreviation of 'casual'. A few options came up - cadz, casz, caj, cajh? 'Cazh' was the best sounding option to me lol.
Today I was meant to get back into study after a study-free weekend...I did squeeze in a little study, but got side tracked heading to the post office to send off some stuff & get passport photos done so my sister could send the visa stuff off. Yep, heaps glamorous stuff really. I wasn't feeling particularly dressy or girly. I wore my hair out and natural (besides the stupid little baby hairs which I flattened, of course), and did a laid back print tee, jeans and a few chunky rings to break it up. Effortless & comfy, albeit a little out of character.

Today I was meant to get back into study after a study-free weekend...I did squeeze in a little study, but got side tracked heading to the post office to send off some stuff & get passport photos done so my sister could send the visa stuff off. Yep, heaps glamorous stuff really. I wasn't feeling particularly dressy or girly. I wore my hair out and natural (besides the stupid little baby hairs which I flattened, of course), and did a laid back print tee, jeans and a few chunky rings to break it up. Effortless & comfy, albeit a little out of character.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Another day, another jumpsuit. What can I say, they're just so easy. No need to fiddle around with matching a top and bottom. No need to worry about having to sit like a lady, in fear of flashing yerr knickers. Just chuck one on, accessorise a little, and you're good to go. Effortless, comfortable, light, cool & super cute. But god forbid you should need to go to the loo in a hurry lol.

In case you're interested, today I mostly bludged before getting a huge pang of guilt & trekking it to the library (I'm now behind in my study schedule). I missed the bulk of the heat, having been indoors for most of the arvo, but was surprised at how hot it still was when I left...I know I've said in the past that I love the heat, but if this is what spring is like, I can't imagine summer! Yeek, I better be getting heaps of beach days!
In case you're interested, today I mostly bludged before getting a huge pang of guilt & trekking it to the library (I'm now behind in my study schedule). I missed the bulk of the heat, having been indoors for most of the arvo, but was surprised at how hot it still was when I left...I know I've said in the past that I love the heat, but if this is what spring is like, I can't imagine summer! Yeek, I better be getting heaps of beach days!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
lazy sundays.
I have time to post tonight because I'm ahead of my study schedule. Lol, yes. I have a study schedule (granted I haven't actually physically written it out (though I've been meaning to) - it currently lives only in my head). Anyway, I wanted to have my first set of notes written for my first exam by Monday...and I managed to force myself to finish it last night! I'm pretty proud of myself considering I often don't even finish writing notes at all. I think I may be getting a tad cocky because I'm nowhere near done, and I still have another subject to study for as well, but meh. Methinks I deserve a break.
Today I went to training as per usual on Sunday mornings. I did intend to continue studying afterwards, but got side tracked at the shops shopping for a birthday present for my sister. And well, some presents for myself. So much for saving, sigh. I give you, my 5th and 6th pairs of swimmers - for the season.

Yes, I have a problem. Unfortunately I never try swimmers on in store, so out of the six pairs I've purchased in the last 2 months, I've only decided to keep three. The other three I like, but they just don't sit quite right on there up for sale, here.
This is what I wore today. Tattoo Jumpsuit, Zu sandals, Nine West bag, Equip sunnies. Comfy & laid back for a lazy Sunday :)

Today I went to training as per usual on Sunday mornings. I did intend to continue studying afterwards, but got side tracked at the shops shopping for a birthday present for my sister. And well, some presents for myself. So much for saving, sigh. I give you, my 5th and 6th pairs of swimmers - for the season.
Yes, I have a problem. Unfortunately I never try swimmers on in store, so out of the six pairs I've purchased in the last 2 months, I've only decided to keep three. The other three I like, but they just don't sit quite right on there up for sale, here.
This is what I wore today. Tattoo Jumpsuit, Zu sandals, Nine West bag, Equip sunnies. Comfy & laid back for a lazy Sunday :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I am a scientist. Or at least, in Autumn semester next year, assuming I pass these last few exams, I'll graduate, and I then I will be. It's kind of weird to say that, because I was never one of those little kids that said 'when I grow up, I want to be a scientist' (it was more like, 'when I grow up, I want to be a singer' - that was before I realised I was tone deaf lol). As a kid I always thought of scientists as being insanely, unrealistically smart - almost to an unobtainable level for us average Joes.
In high school when people would ask what I wanted to be, I told them I didn't know. I loved art and fashion and photography and english and poetry, and while I always excelled at science, I would only ever say, 'I'm going to be a scientist!' in jest. Having Asian parents & having done relatively well at school, I was, of course, expected to go into medicine. I was hell-bent against doing medicine and so didn't sit the UMAT, nor did I apply for medicine after I finished year 12. I wanted to do business. Dad said no. I applying for medical science lol. Yeah, I'm bad ass like that.
Having almost finished my degree, I'm still not sure if I made the right decision. Employment prospects are low unless you've got years of experience or are willing to move interstate. And furthermore, working in a lab wouldn't exactly let me make the most of my extensive wardrobe (labcoats and non-slip, enclosed leather shoes every day would seriously cramp my style, literally). But, as cool as this makes me sound, I love it. I find neurons and neurotransmitters and neurology and enzymes and (other) proteins (because enzymes are proteins, duhhh) and bacteria and yeasts and fungi and microbiology in general, and well, biology in general, and pharmacology and biochemistry and even physics, amazingly interesting.
As much as I complain about having to do assignments, or study, and though I could think of many more fun things to do with my time (and often, do end up doing these things instead), at the end of the day, I get a strange, nerdy kind of satisfaction from the information my brain absorbs from completing said tasks. I love being in labs and learning new techniques (which I don't normally understand all too well (thanks to my failure to attend lectures) until I have to write up the reports that I claim to hate so much but am secretly kind of thankful for because they help me to understand shit). I love to look at cells under microscopes. I love to dissect things (even though I didn't get to very often during this course - THANKS cheapo UTS human anatomy subject for killing my dreams). I love serial dilutions and assays. I love to pipette even though it makes me nervous because I have a paranoia of accidentally leaving liquid in the tip or the tip falling off during transfer or breaking those crazy-expensive micro pipettes. I get an odd thrill and exhilaration out of filling the wells of an agarose gel. I'm strange, I know.
Anyway, the point is, I'm a scientist.
Lol, I'm sorry about the randomness of this blog. I know this isn't my usual. But I was getting somewhere with all of this. When I was a little younger I wanted to do business. I wanted to be a business woman. Part of me still wants to be. I mean, my amateur eBay business would have me believe that I would be good at the whole marketing and sales and profiting thing. Lol, I know it's not all that easy. I'm not that naive. But on a sort of childish, superficial level, I think part of the appeal of being a businesswoman to me is the whole getting-to-play-dress-ups, every day. I love how sleek and sophisticated corporate/work attire is. Pencil skirts and high waist trousers and pretty blouses and clean-cut power suits, and round-toe pumps, and just the right amount of mascara and lipstick. I love it all. And in science, unless I manage to somehow miraculously land a corporate job with some big pharmaceutical/scientific company (which I wouldn't really want anyway, because that'd take me away from the lab work that gives science it's appeal, at least in my eyes) I'm not going to get to play dress ups all too often.
Yesterday, I had an interview - one that could determine what I'd be doing for the rest of my life (I'll let you know what it was for at a later date if I'm successful. If not don't ask me about it, that's just asking for awkwardness lol). In retrospect I probably should have spent less time planning my outfit, and more time prepping for the actual interview. But hey, I won't have many opportunities to wear these sorts of outfits okay, give me a break okay?! lol (P.S. it was a bloody scorcher yesterday, so all that time getting dressed and doing my hair was pretty useless. By the time I got to the interview, my hair was a mess, and my face was all shiny, and my blouse was stuck to my back, with a massive sweat patch. It was pretty gross. Fingers crossed that the interviewers found my sweaty, shaky, blabbering nervousness charming. Yeek, not sounding too promising lol)

In high school when people would ask what I wanted to be, I told them I didn't know. I loved art and fashion and photography and english and poetry, and while I always excelled at science, I would only ever say, 'I'm going to be a scientist!' in jest. Having Asian parents & having done relatively well at school, I was, of course, expected to go into medicine. I was hell-bent against doing medicine and so didn't sit the UMAT, nor did I apply for medicine after I finished year 12. I wanted to do business. Dad said no. I applying for medical science lol. Yeah, I'm bad ass like that.
Having almost finished my degree, I'm still not sure if I made the right decision. Employment prospects are low unless you've got years of experience or are willing to move interstate. And furthermore, working in a lab wouldn't exactly let me make the most of my extensive wardrobe (labcoats and non-slip, enclosed leather shoes every day would seriously cramp my style, literally). But, as cool as this makes me sound, I love it. I find neurons and neurotransmitters and neurology and enzymes and (other) proteins (because enzymes are proteins, duhhh) and bacteria and yeasts and fungi and microbiology in general, and well, biology in general, and pharmacology and biochemistry and even physics, amazingly interesting.
As much as I complain about having to do assignments, or study, and though I could think of many more fun things to do with my time (and often, do end up doing these things instead), at the end of the day, I get a strange, nerdy kind of satisfaction from the information my brain absorbs from completing said tasks. I love being in labs and learning new techniques (which I don't normally understand all too well (thanks to my failure to attend lectures) until I have to write up the reports that I claim to hate so much but am secretly kind of thankful for because they help me to understand shit). I love to look at cells under microscopes. I love to dissect things (even though I didn't get to very often during this course - THANKS cheapo UTS human anatomy subject for killing my dreams). I love serial dilutions and assays. I love to pipette even though it makes me nervous because I have a paranoia of accidentally leaving liquid in the tip or the tip falling off during transfer or breaking those crazy-expensive micro pipettes. I get an odd thrill and exhilaration out of filling the wells of an agarose gel. I'm strange, I know.
Anyway, the point is, I'm a scientist.
Lol, I'm sorry about the randomness of this blog. I know this isn't my usual. But I was getting somewhere with all of this. When I was a little younger I wanted to do business. I wanted to be a business woman. Part of me still wants to be. I mean, my amateur eBay business would have me believe that I would be good at the whole marketing and sales and profiting thing. Lol, I know it's not all that easy. I'm not that naive. But on a sort of childish, superficial level, I think part of the appeal of being a businesswoman to me is the whole getting-to-play-dress-ups, every day. I love how sleek and sophisticated corporate/work attire is. Pencil skirts and high waist trousers and pretty blouses and clean-cut power suits, and round-toe pumps, and just the right amount of mascara and lipstick. I love it all. And in science, unless I manage to somehow miraculously land a corporate job with some big pharmaceutical/scientific company (which I wouldn't really want anyway, because that'd take me away from the lab work that gives science it's appeal, at least in my eyes) I'm not going to get to play dress ups all too often.
Yesterday, I had an interview - one that could determine what I'd be doing for the rest of my life (I'll let you know what it was for at a later date if I'm successful. If not don't ask me about it, that's just asking for awkwardness lol). In retrospect I probably should have spent less time planning my outfit, and more time prepping for the actual interview. But hey, I won't have many opportunities to wear these sorts of outfits okay, give me a break okay?! lol (P.S. it was a bloody scorcher yesterday, so all that time getting dressed and doing my hair was pretty useless. By the time I got to the interview, my hair was a mess, and my face was all shiny, and my blouse was stuck to my back, with a massive sweat patch. It was pretty gross. Fingers crossed that the interviewers found my sweaty, shaky, blabbering nervousness charming. Yeek, not sounding too promising lol)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The race that stops a nation.
No, I wasn't in Melbourne today. I wasn't even at the races in Sydney today. I didn't even celebrate in a fancy restaurant or bar. In fact, I didn't even WATCH the race. I didn't even know who won until my sister told me tonight. I was stuck at work during the running of the Melbourne Cup, but that didn't mean I didn't get into the spirit. I got a little bit fancy at work today, pretty frock and high wedges and girly accessories and all. I even thought about doing the whole fascinator thing, but thought it may just be a bit much for my local shopping centre lol.

I did actually make it out to Randwick a few weeks ago but I never got around to blogging it. So here it is as well. I love heading to the races - I love getting all glammed up, rocking the hats and fascinators, and checking out what all the other girls are wearing. And this year, I had a new found appreciation for what the boys were wearing too (yes, that's what my life's come to - I actually get excited when new suits/shirts/trousers come in at work, sigh). I love the excitement in the air, I love the rush of watching the horses gallop by, and why yes, don't mind if I do indulge in a bet and a glass of bubbly or four. I had an amazing day with some amazing girls, and the weather turned from cloudy and overcast to brilliant, bright & blue. Love love love love LOVE!

Instead of my regular bolds and brights and florals and prints, I decided to opt for a dainty, ladylike vintage look, that cost way less than (I hope) it looks - I actually even made that fascinator myself! I can't wait to go again - I love a good excuse to play dress ups!

Instead of my regular bolds and brights and florals and prints, I decided to opt for a dainty, ladylike vintage look, that cost way less than (I hope) it looks - I actually even made that fascinator myself! I can't wait to go again - I love a good excuse to play dress ups!
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